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( La page est en construction, la majorité des informations est en anglais, pour être bientôt plus facilement traduisibles dans différentes langues . )


Ethic-Trade est un outil de promotion des savoir-faire traditionnels et des innovations durables. Sa vocation est de recenser et de promouvoir les savoir-faire isolés géographiquement, économiquement et médiatiquement, en développant les réseaux et les capacités logistiques nécessaires à leurs survie et à leurs développement.

De fait, ces agriculteurs, éleveurs, artisans ou artistes sont à la merci des choix d’exploitation des monopoles en places, dont l’objectif est de réaliser à leurs dépends ( et au dépends des acheteurs ), la plus-value optimale : Par la main mise sur les productions, les outils de production et les terres . Ce processus ce fait détriment de la qualité de vie ( et de réalisation ) générale … Les contraignant de plus, pour répondre aux exigence productiviste du marché qui leur est imposé, à détériorer leur environnement .

Dans un premier temps Ethic-Trade travail à la réalisation d’application informatiques et de tutoriels devant rendre la gestion de cathalogues de présentations aussi accessible que possible aux artisants, artistes, agriculteurs … concernés . Ainsi que la gestion des logistiques néscessaires (photos, transport, envois des produits …) et la constitution de partenariats privilégiés (avec les autorités, les fournisseurs de matières premières, les prestataires postaux, les ONG etc en place, et les différents points de ventes …)

Fonctionnement bases : the cathalogue :

The partner shall set up and send us a detailed catalogue (photos and notes) on the products he can send. (This catalogue may of course be as useful for his own businesses, and is the essence of the actual one).

The acquirement of information and the etude of adjacent potentials (customisation, grouped commends to employ there logistic on filial and transport…) as the negotiation of preferential tariffs should be facilitated by the constitution or the improvement of there catalogues and there circulation.

All sorts of information on the products and producers might be useful for coordination and marketing :

? The names and contacts of the artisans and intermediates ( for coordination and marketing purpose as to can verify the deal, we will in return send all the information concerning the associated benefices realised abroad).

? The weight of the produce, its price by unit and according to different quantities, its characteristics (the origin of the materials and the confection process, if it’s more or less worm, well done, resistant… ancient…) The availability, the eventual delays, and accommodations…

? Photos and notes on everything in correlation (persons, lands, markets, animals or tools…)
Eventually videos of traditional technique (this will be one of the marketing best weapons), it will increase the market (advertising the objects around and increasing the authenticity of the product and the company), it’s also a great duty! We actually intend to use later those materials in productions, the eventual pay off will then be as well part of the partner’s benefices.

As the process and its marketing will be based on the natural, cultural and traditional aspects, (witch are what the developing countries still have ahead on the developed ones), all pictures, recording, notes and anecdotes are welcome to provide authenticity, data and links helping to establish a fair trade network.

Modus operandi

After the reception of the partner’s catalogue we may check the local market, send back the command and transfer the finances necessary for to buy and send the products, plus half of the part on the estimated benefices. The rest of the salary will be calculated according to the reel benefices when the staffs are sold.
This is a basis witch can be adapted if necessary…
For to simplify and coordinate the operations (two partners might use the same package), as to reduce the transfers costs, we might use the account of a regular responsible in charge of the redistribution.

Questions remains …

How to guaranty the ethical procedure and image of the business?
And by there permit the self confidence, and wetly relationship that it could procure, as an efficient long term marketing and development in the world’s socio-environmental problematic?
As an example; cashmere, gold and uranium happen to be probably the Mongolian’s best selling; they also are associated to its pillage and desertification.
How do we deal with those problematic in our business strategy?

It might come out that more our choices get economically pragmatic, more they’ll give inertia to the damageable processes.
In this context: the globalisation of capitalism along with the devastation of diverse cultures and environments, and accordingly the development of antithetic markets, how to marry the enterprise’s exigencies, on both economical success and ethical comportment?
In a short way: How to make it good?

As the applications of this will depend on knowledge (on the referential and on our interaction’s consequences), it would be helpful to increase the understandings related.
And as it appears to be tricky to deal with self-interests and global ones at the same time, it would be practical to get external bright and caring advises.

In other terms: if we pretend to do it good, it would be nice to know what we are talking about. And for our source to be legitimate, it better be an independent, resourceful, non lucrative organisation.
For to may be so, this organisation has to be based on transparency and large net exchange, as to be financially free from business matters.

The IBA : free consltation and expertise :

The prerogatives of the IBA (International Bernica Association) are to enhance sustainable development’s (SD) research and concretisation, notably by making possible the achievement of ethical businesses, providing them, in exchange of transparency, the information, contacts and marketing needed.
That should concurrently reduces there development charges and certify there decencies, as there position in the rising SD-fair-trade-ecological market.

Therefore, it seems, in a long term view, economically and ideologically sensed for this business to help the materialisation of the AB, accordingly, 10% of the uncut benefices will be used on this purpose, it will permit the payment of the first steps tasks, basically to set up its financial plan in Mongolia, for to can be as soon as possible self-sufficient and able to guide in return the fair-trade business.

Notes on benefits redistribution :

« Grosso modo » :

If we got a pair of bluuk for 10$, and manage to sell it abroad for 30$.
(Or any “coef.3” product)

And if we can put 5 in one kg witch cost 10$;
We got in 40kg, 200 pairs for (2000$+400$(post)+? $(custom duty))
That we cell for 6000$

So approximately 3400$ of benefice.

Then out of that we propose this benefice to be devised as following:

? 10 to 20%* for the partner (340 to 680$ in that example) for the constitution of the catalogue, the constitution and sending of the parcel.
? 20% in an account for safety (in case of unsold stock), and for to increase the investment and development potential.
? 30% for the investor (1020$).
? 30% for the manager.

*As the cost of life is much higher where we intend to sell the bluuk and regarding the risk taken by the investor as the extra effort and spending occurred by the installation of the process, (“it’s still easier to buy than to sell” like used to say Napoleon), we would like, for safety, to begin at 10% for the five first sending, then switch to 15% for the five next ones, and get to 20% for the following.

*A specific deal is to be made for the settled businesses; factories, enterprises, chops… as the job comes easier (there catalogues could be part made, the collect is easier as should be the command’s control), the partner profit will stay at 10%. Although in time this could get interesting, besides, it may concentrate the partner’s research on more specific and traditional activities and subsequently help them against the monopolisation process.

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